New year, a blank slate, new chapter in life. 2013 is in the past and 2014 is our present. We should let go of the past and face the present. We should learn from our mistakes from the past and use this negatives to develope a beautiful pictures of the present.
I used to make New Years resolutions but most of the time I won't finish or after a few days I will abandon it. For this year, I will not make a resolution, but I will practice to make a small changes in life one day at a time. It is better to accomplish something small everyday and feel you accomplish something.
For my blog I am still sharing more free patterns, and finish some projects that has been in the shelves for a long time, one project at a time. I promised a lot in the past but did not accomplised anything.
If it did mot bring you joy, just leave it behind. Let us ring in the New Year with good things in mind. Let every bad memory that brought us heartache and pain go, and let us turn a new leaf with the smell of the new rain. Forget the past mistakes and make amends of this new year.
This is year the possibilities are endless, a new blank page that we can write a life changing, world shaping, winderful, purposeful, awesime, incredible, extraordinary and mind blowing 365 page book we should create a good one.
Happy New Year! From me Jei, Zion, Jericko, and Erika